Photo Gallery

Shri R.K. Oswal delivering Presidential Address. Other guests on the dias (from L to R) -Prof. V.K. Jain, R.G. Muralikrishnan, Anirban Das, and Prof. J.B. Shah

From L to R - Prof. V.K. Jain, Dr. Puja Vyas, Prof. R.G. Muralikrishnan, Prof. J.B. Shah, and Shri Ashok Jain

From L to R - Prof. Vijay Kumar Jain, Director, BLII; Prof. Shrinivas Varakhedi, VC, CSU; Prof. Sachchidanand Mishra, MS, ICPR; Prof. Jitendra B. Shah, Vice Chairman, BLII

From L to R - Shri Wachaspati Pandey, Prof. Vijay Kumar Jain, Prof. Shrinivas Varakhedi, Prof. Sachchidanand Mishra, and Prof. Jitendra B. Shah

From L to R - Prof. Vijay Kumar Jain, Prof. Vachaspati Mishra - Chairman, UP Sanskrit Akademi, Shri Rajkumar Oswal, and Prof. Jitendra B. Shah

From L to R - Prof. G.C. Tripathi (Director, BLII) Parul P. Dhar (DU, the Key Speaker), Prof. Madhu Khanna (Chief Guest), and Prof. J. B. Shah (Vice Chairman, BLII) at IIC on Oct. 15, 2022

From L to R - Prof. G.C. Tripathi, Prof. Parul P. Dhar, and Prof. Madhu Khanna at IIC on Oct. 15, 2022

From L to R - Prof. G.C. Tripathi (Director, BLII), Prof. Parul P. Dhar (DU, the key speaker), Prof. Madhu Khanna (Chief Guest), and Prof. Jitendra B. Shah (Vice Chairman, BLII) at IIC

Prof. Parul P. Dhar, (Delhi University) the Key Speaker, addressing the audience on the occasion of first Dhanesh Memorial Jain Art Lecture on October 15th, 2022 at IIC, Delhi

Shri Sugat Jain addressing the audience on the occasion of first Dhanesh Jain Memorial Jain Art Lecture at IIC on October 15, 2022

Prof. Satyavrat Tripathi, Shri J.P. Jain, Prof. J.B. Shah, and Prof. G.C. Tripathi on the occasion of first Dhanesh Jain Memorial Jain Art Lecture at IIC on October 15th, 2022

Shri Wachaspati Pandey and Dr. Pawan Jain on the occasion of first Dhanesh Jain Memorial Jain Art Lecture, October 15, 2022 at IIC

Select audience on the occasion of Dhanesh Jain Memorial Lecture on Jain Art at IIC on October 15, 2022

Select audience on the occasion of Dhanesh Jain Memorial Lecture on Jain Art at IIC on October 15, 2022

Select audience on the occasion of Dhanesh Jain Memorial Lecture on Jain Art at IIC on October 15, 2022

From left to right: Prof. ROOP KISHORE SHASTRI (Vice Chancellor, Gurukul Kangri Sanskrit University), Prof. GAYA CHARAN TRIPATHI (Director, BLII), Pro. JITENDRA B SHAH (Vice Chairman, BLII)

From left to right: Prof. KAMLESH JAIN (Central Sanskrit University, Jaipur Campus), Prof. GAYA CHARAN TRIPATHI (Director, BLII), Prof. DEVI PRASAD TRIPATHI (Vice Chancellor, Uttarakhand Sanskrit University), and Prof. SHWETA JAIN (Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur)

Prof. Jitendra B. Shah, Vice Chairman, BLII addressing the audience during the inaugural function of the Workshop on The Tattvarthsutra of Umasvati on December 4th, 2019

Prof. Gaya Charan Tripathi, Director, BLII addressing the audience during the inaugural function of 31st Shri Atma Vallabh Summer School of Prakrit Language and Literature

From Left to right: Prof. ISHVAR BHARDWAJ (Dean, Academics, Dev Sanskriti University), Dr. CHINMAY PANDYA (Pro Vice Chancellor, Dev Sanskriti University), Prof. GAYA CHARAN TRIPATHI (Director, BLII), Prof. JITENDRA B SHAH (Vice Chairman, BLII)

Select view of the audience attending the inaugural function of 31st Shri Atma Vallabh Summer School of Prakrit Language and Literature

(From left to right) Prof. Ashok Singh, faculty BLII, Prof. Gaya Charan Tripathi, Director, BLII, Prof. Jitendra B. Shah, Vice Chairman, BLII, Prof. S.S. Rana, Delhi University, Prof. Dipti S. Tripathi, Delhi University, and Shri Ashok Jain, Vallabh Smarak attending the inaugural function of 31st Shri Atma Vallabh Summer School of Prakrit Language and Literature

Participants attending the valedictory function of 31st Shri Atma Vallabh Summer School of Prakrit Language and Literature

(from left to right) Prof. Ashok Singh, faculty BLII, Prof. G. C. Tripathi, Director, BLII, Prof. Dipti S. Tripathi, former Director, NMM, Shri Wachaspati Pandey, Manager, Admin-Academic, BLII along with the select participants during the valedictory function of the Workshop on The Tattvarthsutra of Umasvati on December 15th, 2019

(from left to right) Prof. Ashok Singh, faculty, BLII, Prof. G. C. Tripathi, Director, BLII, Prof. Jitendra B. Shah, Vice Chairman, BLII, Prof. Balaganapathi Devarkonda, Philosophy Department, Delhi University, Shri Raj Kumar Jain Oswal, President, BLII, Shri Ashok Jain, Vallabh Smarak attending the inaugural function of the Workshop on The Tattvarthsutra of Umasvati on December 4th, 2019